Payment Methods

Online Banks
Account owner:Information Dimensions Trading Est
Address:Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Branch number: 166
account number:166000010006080290518
International Account Number (IBAN):SA8680000166608010290518
Account owner:Information Dimensions Trading Est
Address:Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Branch number: 271
account number:27151349000300
International Account Number (IBAN):SA1410000027151349000300
Branch: Obour Buildings
Account number: 100030076278
International Account Number (IBAN): EG190010017700000100030076278
Note:You can pay via MoneyGram by creating a ticket to follow the necessary procedures
Note:You can pay via Western Union by creating a ticket to follow the necessary procedures
Note:You can choose to pay via PayPal and get the services as quickly as possible, with a 7% fee
added to the value of the transferred amount.
account number:00201012371888
Note:To ensure that the amount is received in full, please add 3% to the total amount transferred
You can pay via Visa / MasterCard / Mada by creating a ticket to follow the necessary procedures
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